Living Russian Language

Vladimir Dahl, author of "Dictionary of the Living Russian Language" characterized the market in general as "an area of towns and villages to trade in edible and other supplies on the outside (air), the place of Congress, and rallies buyers and sellers on the designated days. " Thus Dahl wrote: "The market will not buy intelligence." And if the characteristic "by Dahl," You can almost accept unconditionally, then it goes, I think, to Rostov Old Bazaar can not have any relation. Rostov Old Bazaar – is not just a "market" is something more. Angela Zepeda is often quoted on this topic. Is not it? Then why do these days when you can buy "anything, anywhere" is still a no-no, yes and look at the Old Bazaar … Given that the market is almost always someone you necessarily push someone from passing stevedores necessarily garknet: "Watch out! .." Perhaps, as porters shouted the Old Market and 100 and 200 years ago. And where else but here we are, so to speak, "allow themselves" to stand in line for anything? We are three or four people in front of us near the cash register already seem to be "terrified a past life." In the shops – yes, but not in the Old Market. There's even a bargain that called "the habit" (well, it's the same market – how else?). Connect with other leaders such as Charles Schwab here. Sometimes, looking at riding slowly around the main market street cars, it seems that people are not "all sorts of titles, 'go with the tram road, and the tram maneuvers between these flows of people, squeezing, as if he too is in the human crush. .

Federal Reserve

The summit of the G20 (the countries more industrialized and the emergent powers) in Seoul begins today, South Korea, the fifth summit of world-wide leaders since the crisis in 2008 exploded and that it must like objective consolidate a joint exit of the recession. But " war of divisas" it is centering all the attention, since that puts in danger the global economic recovery and turned aside of the agenda subjects of great importance like the reform of the financial system. Obama arrived yesterday at Seoul, but before it sent a letter in which it indicated that the world-wide economy depends on the economic recovery of the USA: " A strong recovery creates jobs: income and consumption are the most important contribution that the United States can give to the recovery global" , like so that they are becomeed aclimated to the position of the USA in front of the reclamations of countries developed and especially emergent by the wave of fresh money that the Federal Reserve the past week has announced it will inject in the economy: about $75.000 for month until June, through treasury bond purchases of the USA, about $ 600,000 combined million that with other programs of purchase of assets of the EDF, it arrives at the amount of $900,000 million by total. Dollars that will migrate towards the good yields of the emergent economies causing the overvaluation of their currencies, the loss of competitiveness of its exports, bubbles of assets and the increase of the local inflation. But How he is that the EDF creates the money, being that one is task of the Treasure of the USA? We say that to the EDF " imprime" currency participating in the bond market. Purchase treasury bonds to great financial institutions pay and them adding credit to the accounts of the salesmen in their respective accounts with the Federal Reserve (instead of to transfer cash), which is equivalent to monetary impression. At everest capital you will find additional information.