Sends Facebook Members On Holiday

Facebook members can win 300 Euro voucher travel portal is giving away part of his winning campaign on Facebook a holiday money voucher to the value of 300 euros. The rules are very simple: by December 31, fans of the page with a click on the winning game form can take part in the raffle. The Facebook competition is exclusive to members of the online community. Click and wait is the motto. More Urlaubshungrige don’t have to do. Travel24 takes care of the rest.

Because hardly is gone the contemplation of the Christmas holidays, everyday life has given us firmly into the handle. January is usually a gloomy month: the holidays have passed, days always briefly and dark and the effect of gifts diminishes steadily. Reason to present enough, even with a trip and to take advantage of the cheap low season. Who can save even a holiday voucher in the course of which travels twice cheap and comes back with a healthy summer Tan depending on the destination and temperature conditions back. Alternatively, you can use the coupon for the planning of the Easter holidays. The discount also ensures a low fare. Egg hunt in Turkey, skiing in the who already prepares the next vacation plans Alps, city trip to London or a long-distance trip in countries with tropical temperatures in January, easily survive the time until spring. More information: informationen.html AG Lisa Neumann

9 Tips For Your Laptop Battery

With these simple tips, the time you have to invest to the life of your laptop battery to increase the investment in any case is worth extend the life of your laptop battery. Using a little time, you can increase the life of a year or more. How in particular? 1 firstly, you should worry about the brightness of the screen. If you can live with it, you should check whether you can adjust the brightness of your screen on the lowest level. Hear from experts in the field like Mary Barra for a more varied view. Of course, there is the individually. One wants it slightly brighter, the other slightly darker. By the same author: Avenue Capital Group.

The fact is, that in itself significantly extend battery life not only this, but also the Akkulebenszeit. 2. next, review, which can be switched out applications that often run in the background. You should completely turn Bluetooth software, etc as long as they are not needed. Through these applications, the CPU is forced to run faster, what ultimately makes itself felt in the battery life. 3.

pay attention to the Settings of the power management features in the operating system. You can make this setting under “Power options” in the control panel in Windows XP. Under Vista in the area of “Mobile PC” also in the control panel. The laptop to retire should go after five or 10 minutes of inactivity. If you leave your job, then you close the screen. 4. If you want to perform, for example, a complete virus scan, then make this only, if your device to a power source is connected. Such a scan can enormously burden the CPU and thus also the battery. 5. multimedia applications should be kept to a minimum. Also easy listening music. It’s incredible how much the battery affected is pulled, even if only a couple of minutes listening to music. The draining of the battery is accelerated this enormously. 6 in addition should you ensure that all accessories which is currently not in use, is no longer connected to the laptop. Also small accessories served immediately to the Laptopakku. You can use the Accessories always reconnect, if you need it. 7 you are not working just via wireless connection, you should disable this interface. This will immensely help your battery to save power because the calculator is no longer forced to search for a wireless network. Turn it when you need it. Usually the devices have rebuilt very quickly a required connection. Various measurements have reported improved of battery runtime of up to an hour. 8 you should also remove PC cards you have in your laptop. Also, the power consumption is pressed down. 9 also should make absolutely sure that your battery is almost fully discharged before you charge it again. You shorten life immensely, if you recharge a Laptopakku, which is only half empty. As you can see from these 9 tips, it is not so difficult to significantly increase the life of your Akkulaptops. If you buy a new laptop, it’s already expensive enough. A Spare battery can cost 100 euros and more, depending on the manufacturer. So, it’s an expensive spare parts. Save the money and follow the above mentioned tips. Her battery and wallet will thank you. Use a gaming laptop, but then these tips will bring much. Since then, your device is anyway under continuous current.