Car Department

That is, if you need to get to the other end of town, and you go there on foot, walking pace, it is also, by definition, will be effective. But if you sit in the car and get to your destination, then it would probably be a little more efficiently. So here the time factor should be given due attention, as if, for example, sales manager, does not so much sales allotted time, so it could be called effective, it is simply inefficient. This is in principle simple enough to understand this, and I am sure that nothing particularly new, I have discovered. But. Let's see where it all this leads to. Here is the sales manager doing his job. Makes it reluctantly, as if with laziness.

Still, by all means try to show that he was at work, he looks at the monitor, he writes something and somewhere to call. But the result minimum. What makes his head, seeing this picture? He thinks, 'Maybe this guy can not handle. It is necessary to hire a couple more managers to somehow raise the sales department. " And after a few days can observe such a picture – in the department roam a couple of new employees who are also trying every way to show that they have something to do there that they can be useful, but ultimately, they are simply ballast which pulls down this department.

But think for a moment – unless those people someone doing? Someone showed them where to go in such a case, or at least how to make phone calls? And here we are encounter with another factor. 2. Education. After all, if these people someone taught elementary things, they would become much more efficient than they were before. They probably could even have a weekend show off successfully deals. They would even understand what is required of them.