Infantile Education

The education is one ' ' right of all and to have of the State and the family, will be promoted and stimulated with the contribution of the society, aiming at to the full development of the person, its preparation for the exercise of the citizenship and its qualification for trabalho' ' (BRAZIL, 1988). As Brazil (1996a) the pertaining to school education composes in basic education and superior education. The basic education is divides in three stages of education: Infantile education, Basic Education and Average Education. The national education is normatiza for Federal Law N. 9,394, of 20 of December of 1996, known as LDB Law of basic lines of direction of the National Education. Table 1 Levels of the basic Education Stage of Education Foreseen Etria Band 1 Infantile Education Up to 5 1,1 years Day-care center Up to 3 1,2 years Daily pay-School Of 4 and 5 2 years Basic Ensino From the 6 3 years Average Ensino Source: MEC (adapted) the LDB was modified by Law N.

11,700, of 13 of June of 2008 and this modification, with validity from 1 of January of 2009, assures vacant in Public School to all the child from the 4 (four) years. Before, the vacant LDB express guarantee for basic education from the 6 (six) years (BRAZIL, 1996a). In this direction, giving bigger legal basement to the subject, was approved Constitutional Emendation N. 59, of 11 of November of 2009, that it determines that the basic education is obligator and gratuitous of the 4 (four) to the 17 (dezessete) years of age (BRAZIL, 1996b). However, foreseeing the impact in the public budget and the diverse necessary actions for this fulfilment, as well as the cultural change on the part of the society, the emendation makes use that this reinforcement of the infantile education is implemented gradually, until the year of 2016 (BRAZIL, 2009b).

Foreign Exchange

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Academician Kolmogorov

The indicator is called 'universal table of all the forecasts', because every day and every situation on the market it can find one minute accurate forecasts for tomorrow for the three major currency pairs are GBP, CHF, JPY. Strategy indicator represents sembioz three sciences: Psychology, Diplomacy, Pedagogy, and the basis for its creation is put 'Probability' Academician Kolmogorov. The table contains 15 lines of forecasts by three for each day of the week. Here is an example of a line forecasts for the pound on Monday: BBB = B IUU = V, BBH = H = NNV in, VNV = B, n = NVN, vnn = B = nvv in, when a combination of daytime candles in the past three days is equal to the upward or downward trend, which will be tomorrow. On any day of the week such combinations may be only 8, so the table universal in its 120 static predictions of certain probability statistics by treatment for 11 years. Data processing was four times more difficult than counting and comparing what was more, but some events such as 'www' = 'NVN' = and so forth, were counted as events 'cc' = '= B', 'a' and the only addition is the probability of obtaining the values of 'BBB' = 'cc' = '= B', 'to' shape in the forecast after the equal sign, for example, BBB = 'B'. Forecasts have turned out – some clearly marked large 'B', and other weak 'to', however, most of them are usually accurate and are taken every night for the transactions for 2-3 minutes, looked at the table – took the forecasts, transactions carried out – forget about the market for 24 hours.