Fundamental Analysis

There were times when fundamental analysis was considered the only sure way of analysis and decision making. It's hard to believe now, but once the technical analysis is not recognized by Wall Street and most of the rest funds and financial institutions, it was then something of a discharge fiction. Now, of course, everything is absolutely on the contrary, almost all experienced traders use technical analysis for the formation of their trading strategies for exception of units – net of fundamentalists. What is the reason such a big change? I'm sure all the guess that the answer is very simple: Money! The fact that trading decisions based solely on the fundamental analysis, makes it very difficult to extract the permanent gains. For those who are not very familiar with fundamental analysis, I will explain.

Fundamental analysis includes all factors that may affect the demand and proposal on the financial markets, using mathematical models that measure the impact of a factor on which the analyst draws conclusions about the price moves in the direction or the yoke. Problem lies in the fact that the factors influencing the price of one and the same time very much, and mathematical models are applicable to them often. Expectations of people who make the price move in either direction are not mathematical model. In addition, the model with its logical projection, based on all possible variables does not represent great value for the trader if he does not know it thoroughly, or does not trust her. In addition, large market participants, the so-called market makers who are able to move rates in either direction for your interest, do not ask how supply and demand factors were to affect the price at a certain time, ie Traders who are able to affect the price, do not operate under the fundamental analysis. Thus, using fundamental analysis, the analyst can make the correct prediction that the level at which Price will be located at a certain time in the future, but meanwhile, quotes can be so volatile that it can be very difficult or even impossible to remain on the market to achieve the target level.

Forex Prize

Here you get the indicator and strategy with the methods below, I do not recommend showing them to their brokers, now you understand how they hate the break-even strategy, you will pull it out of hand, you forget it, will continue to lose their time and money. Ekstrennoe message to present and future customers ‘DC Euroclub’, using the platform ‘TradeDesk’. Community brokers this Euroclub arrange weekly contest traders and simply refuse to financial obligations to the winners under the pretexts of non-existent circumstances. So in the contest with 20 to 24 July 2009 I won first place, participating in only one account but not received the prize for such an explanation ‘Your score was disqualified for using multiple accounts from one competitive ip-address. ” _ Be sure to read the details of this case – is the true face of all the brokers. I was refused the 1 st prize in the companies Forex-AZ $ 500 and $ 2000 CSC everywhere know I have a break-even strategy, and I carelessly said that “damages can not be ‘convinced of this, brokers are like crazy, trying to protect the cash of the company from bankruptcy. On my forums this in more detail discussed.

Hamburger Recipe Preparation Fast

Welcome to this mini cooking course in this article show you how to prepare a delicious Burger, will delight us with one of the most desired by all, Hamburger sandwiches. Will our hamburger prepare with veal and pork. It is normal only make burgers with beef, but this recipe is a possibility but that it also gives very good results. Fits each person’s taste. Other leaders such as U.S. Mint offer similar insights. We will use a hamburger with Sesame bread. To accompany the meat, we have onion, lettuce cheese, tomato and gherkins. We will also add a little mustard to give it a good flavor. Additional information is available at Yahoo. Let’s batter with usual Burger to fry it: flour, egg and bread ground.

Of course, to have the detail of the preparation of the Hamburger you must see this video. The Hamburger is a sandwich that always comes in handy. Here’s an excellent recipe for fast food so that you can enjoy and do enjoy a hamburger Lady. This recipe for hamburger, presents it today a renowned chef, who will be in charge of showing us the step to step in the preparation of the same. Many times it seems more relaxing pass by a burger bar and taste one to the quick without worrying about your preparation, but there may be occasions where the possibility is not given and have to prepare only or by preference you want to savor a hamburger made by your own hands. Don’t be shy and prepares one and the most delicious Burger, now have the opportunity to surprise your husband and your wife. Visit this blog and watch the video where you’ll have the step by step explanation. Click here hits original author and source of the article

Traders Work

Traders operating within the day is dedicated to … In life, every single person could be a situation where suddenly have to throw all their affairs, to sit on the plane, train, and leave for a few days somewhere in the other city. In such a situation could easily be any trader. And what if you work within the day, you open trading positions, but urgently need somewhere to go? In theory, the modern Trader should have no special problems in this situation. Today's technologies make it possible now to put the trading terminal, even a cell phone and using the mobile internet, be on the market from almost anywhere in the world.

And, I think, every action Trader is prepared to 'emergency' situation, when suddenly can disappear access to the desktop. But first, we must understand that there is quite a big difference between being out with a mobile device from home for several hours and overnight (unscheduled) departure to another city. And, secondly, what is the real percentage of traders already had time to be in this situation and who can now share with you what you need to take into account what you should be ready, sitting on an airplane or a train, holding a mobile device? Personally, I recently found himself in a similar situation – I had to get on a plane and a few days to go to another city. I have had 2 open positions, which are hung with a slight disadvantage. Get more background information with materials from Sonia Gardner.

European Central Bank

During the past week, representatives from the European Central Bank made all efforts to make clear that the rate will be raised in July, but emphasized that this increase in the unit. If this is indeed the case, then increase will be rather a political factor than economic necessity. Direct vlyainiya on the economic situation in the euro area this unit will not be able to raise, but will show how the ECB is struggling with accelerating inflation in the region. And prices are rising, and it is well demonstrated published data for a week in Germany, where wholesale prices rose in May by 1.4%, and for the year by 8.1% (very much) to the same data were revised to inflation rate for May in Germany in an upward and temperature inflation is 3.1%. Labor costs also rose more than 3%. Since osnovnovnoy driver for price growth does not depend on the ECB rate, the bank's actions look more indicative of a step than a real fight against rising inflation.

However other data for the euro area were quite good: a high trade surplus miles budget has grown up in Germany and manufacturing. However, these data have not saved the European currency from falling on the week almost 3%. A big role here played politics. We all remember how painful Evra reacted, a few years ago at the failure of a number of European countries with a common project European Constitution. So this time: Ireland, following a referendum, voted against the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, which replaced the European Constitution, resulting in the integration processes in Europe once again slow down. Because of all this, there were conversations, especially in some countries in southern euro area, the exit from the European Union, so all this painful responds to European currencies. U.S. data were contradictory.

B. Bernanke reiterated that the focus of monetary policy shifted to fighting inflation, and other Fed officials supported this position that changes the situation on the market in favor of the dollar. Now, speculators and Investors expect the Fed rate can be increased in October. On the background of problems in Europe and the tightening positions Fed dollar pretty much grew up. Economic statistics yielded conflicting data. Grew by 6.3% pending home sales, though it is only a single fact saying locally about a surge in demand at the current level of prices. Excess supply is large enough so that the price drop may be observed, during the whole year. Increased foreign trade deficit and a strong negative effect had the price of oil. Performed well retail sales, which rose by 1.0% in May. At the same time during the year, sales grew by 2.45%, which is even lower than the growth rate consumer prices. Very bad out data on the labor market, where weekly applications for unemployment benefits had grown to 384 thousand at the end of the week came the consumer confidence index, which fell to 56.7 – is the lowest value index over the past 26 years. Oil prices fell slightly from its highs against the background of the dollar. Economic expectations unchanged: in Europe, accelerated deterioration of the economic situation in the backdrop of high inflation, most vulnerable to the UK economy, the U.S. temporary stabilization. Development of the crisis is likely to continue, and the tightening of monetary policy will contribute to a slowdown in developed economies.

GBP Construction PMI GBP Nationwide Consumer Confidence EURO

The Euro area recorded lows of 1.2620, after stops were observed at 1.2700. Highs in the 1.2713 area, and there was some pressure from CTA accounts. The improvement of the stock market last week, is lagging behind, while the USD / JPY remains under pressure, the pair recorded in the area minimum of 93.51, breaking on 93.70. USD / CHF can not stay in the 1.2200 area, maximum recorded in the area of 1.2156. USD / CAD remains within a technical trade in the 1.2420/30 area, maximum recorded in the area of 1.2478, and 1.2359 at the minimum. An estimated two short-term action in that pair. USD / CAD pair is the technique most likely to suffer a reversal, in my view, forming a double-top figure. In my opinion, since starting the season for holiday sales, we believe that increased trade is approaching double action, and can they happen reversals.

Probably the USD is strong year-end, and will surely be on the rise during the first months of the new American presidential term. In my opinion, the financial crisis is artificially keeping the USD rise. It is estimated that the dollar will continue trading at night in a double sense, especially during morning. GBP / USD Resistance 3: 1.5680 Resistance 2: 1.5620 Resistance 1: 1.5550 New York: 1.4976 Support 1: 1.4700/10 Support 2: 1.4650 Support 3: 1.4550 The pair started in low, after which consolidated earnings last week. There were offers of sovereign states.

The level of support failed at the 1.5050 area. There was a strong trade in dual action. He kept control over the 1.5100 sales, but it will be prudent to wait a bit. If the pair continues to strengthen several traders take profits. At night there was a technical trade as traders defined strategies. Surely the BCI will reduce interest rates, but that factor is already assimilated. Liquidity was moderate. For Tuesday: All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) 4:30 a.m. 7:01 pm GBP Construction PMI GBP Nationwide Consumer Confidence EURO / USD Resistance 3: 1.3200 Resistance 2: 1.3120/30 Resistance 1: 1.3100 New York: 1.2631 Support 1: 1.2600 / 10 Support 2: 1.2550 Support 3: 1.2480 Comments may be that the couple suffers a reversal, but the pair should be firm in my view 1.2850. Bids are being placed in the 1.2600 as estimated. It is advisable to go long. Stops are being placed on the 1.2750, which will boost trade in two sense. I do not think that the pair continue falling. Several traders are taking profits despite the prevailing uncertainty. For Tuesday: All times EASTERN (-5 GMT) 5:00 a.m. EUR PPI m / m foreign currency trading (FOREX) involves the existence of losses due to the risk inherent in any transaction. It is likely that FOREX trading is not suitable for all investors. You should determine whether trading is suitable in your case and should take into account your circumstances, knowledge, and financial resources. You may lose all or more than your initial investment. The opinions, financial information or on markets, and recommendations are subject to change at any time. The information contained in this bulletin does not constitute or states that you should buy or sell through FOREX Core Financial Group Inc., and / or its affiliates, and should not be available to individuals in a jurisdiction where the making available of the above would be contrary to local regulations.

Academician Kolmogorov

The indicator is called 'universal table of all the forecasts', because every day and every situation on the market it can find one minute accurate forecasts for tomorrow for the three major currency pairs are GBP, CHF, JPY. Strategy indicator represents sembioz three sciences: Psychology, Diplomacy, Pedagogy, and the basis for its creation is put 'Probability' Academician Kolmogorov. The table contains 15 lines of forecasts by three for each day of the week. Here is an example of a line forecasts for the pound on Monday: BBB = B IUU = V, BBH = H = NNV in, VNV = B, n = NVN, vnn = B = nvv in, when a combination of daytime candles in the past three days is equal to the upward or downward trend, which will be tomorrow. On any day of the week such combinations may be only 8, so the table universal in its 120 static predictions of certain probability statistics by treatment for 11 years. Data processing was four times more difficult than counting and comparing what was more, but some events such as 'www' = 'NVN' = and so forth, were counted as events 'cc' = '= B', 'a' and the only addition is the probability of obtaining the values of 'BBB' = 'cc' = '= B', 'to' shape in the forecast after the equal sign, for example, BBB = 'B'. Forecasts have turned out – some clearly marked large 'B', and other weak 'to', however, most of them are usually accurate and are taken every night for the transactions for 2-3 minutes, looked at the table – took the forecasts, transactions carried out – forget about the market for 24 hours.

Psychology Of Success

There are many forms of on-line commerce. While I can give you a long list, I will focus on the most common forms of successful trading: 1. trading in options 2. futures trading, 3. currency trading; 4. stock trading. I want to to begin this critical analysis on on-line commerce with one story.

Twenty-five years ago, two young men graduated from the same college. They were very similar – both were students at higher secondary level, were personable and full of ambitious plans for the future. For the interests of our example, let's say that both the graduate traded in the mode of off-line, using daily data. Both started with the same initial amount of venture capital and the same trading system with precise rules for entry and exit from the market. However, strangely enough, there is a difference. After one month of trading, a trader went bankrupt, while the second received 20% of th profits. Have you ever wondered question, as I did, which makes such a difference in trade traders? It is not always natural intelligence, talent or education.

This does not mean that one person wants to succeed and the other not. Difference inherent in psychology. Your psychological setting, will likely play a big role in your trading career rather than option trading techniques or any other details related to the daily trade. Here are some good Examples: One person sees a glass of 1 / 2 empty, while the other sees the same cup to 1 / 2 polon.kto Some may look for trouble, as the issue that causes it to stress, in while the other looks at trouble as vyzov.nekotorye look at the ship during a storm, as the mortal danger, while others view it as an exciting adventure.