Turkish Riviera

What financial capacity is needed to buy an apartment in one of the many residential complexes and luxury villas on the first line? Variation in property prices in Turkey are very high from 500 to 3.5 thousand for the quarter. m. The cost of housing depends primarily on the proximity to the sea, the quality of construction and infrastructure. Buy property , for example, a 50-meter apartment in a kilometer from the sea can be a 80-90 thousand from a huge selection of real estate in Turkey for Russians greater interest are houses, flats and apartments by the sea. It is the location on the waterfront has played a key role, while infrastructure development is not so significant.

Suites and apartments in Turkey near the Sea of interest not only to travelers but also those who are often in Turkey’s business purposes. If we talk about buying houses, villas or cottages in Turkey, it is worth noting the proposed real estate objects meet anyone, even the most sophisticated needs. Each villa or cottage has more bedrooms, bathrooms, balconies and terraces. The villa has rooms for servants, laundry rooms, garages, parking lots and other amenities. Must own pool. Prices for the villa depending on location and area, Distance from the beach and infrastructure.

These can range from 200,000. Property in Turkey – is not only home to the resorts of the Turkish Riviera. On the Aegean coast of Turkey, especially in Bodrum, is located the most prestigious property. In connection with the global financial crisis many people are afraid to invest in real estate. However, such fears are unnecessary for Turkey. The fact that Turkey before the crisis is less than other countries, focused on mortgage lending. Turkish banks are rarely involved in trading the world stock exchanges. Therefore, Turkey’s economy was minimal damage to the global crisis, according to this real estate market in Turkey remains one of the most stable in the world. All of the above is convincing evidence that investment in property in Turkey – a reliable investment for the future.

Chief Investment Strategist

Reviews, forecasts for stocks and the global economy 03/07/2011 Reviews, forecasts the world’s leading analysts last week Last week the U.S. market fell, the Russian market, crude oil (down more than 8%), gold. waiting for further decline in the market. – ‘Break 1,040 points mark for the S & P500 is very very bearish signal. I think the market will go much lower. And 900 points is not the limit. ” Bill Gross – Chief Investment Strategist at PIMCO: – ‘Income from investment in shares will be as low as the debt market and the U.S Low growth of U.S. gdp is the new economic standard.

” American consumers rent position. The index of consumer confidence in June decreased from 62.7 to 52.9 and figure out before those levels at which it was in March of 2008, but now has gone a setback. The fall is due to the viability of the American economy. Investors flee to safer assets. ” Oil prices on the This week, led the way on the rates of decline. Brent crude has fallen more than 8%.

Reduction was observed during the 5 days of the week. Oil prices react to the weak economic data and do not pay attention to any growth in oil consumption or reduce inventory in the U.S Gold on Thursday, lost more than $ 40 per ounce in just one trading session. Although all experts are convinced that it will go up. Perhaps this fall was associated with strong growth of the euro. Graph eur USD.

Maintainance Costs

In addition, they have huge maintenance costs of personnel, rental of premises, restrictions on investing money. All this reduces their profitability. If you have a lot of money, and you’re ready devote his time to invest, it is best to do it yourself, or with a professional that you trust and whose control. After all, a difference of 5% of income per year from 100 thousand rubles. can you not be interested, but if it is somewhat millions or tens of millions, the difference is significant. – Which stocks to buy? I can not advise specific enterprise. First we need to choose a strategy that is the criteria by which you buy shares, or refuse to buy them. Then the decision will come by themselves.

For example, the strategy is, “I buy shares of the company best worst industry”, or “I buy shares of blue chips in equal proportions, etc. If the strategy formulated, the choice is simple. Therefore the problem of stock selection is only to those who are not aware of its strategy. If so, you must select it, and continue to adhere to and improve. Another difference Self-purchase of shares of the mutual fund. In Pytheas for you not only pick stocks, but also distribute the money to buy dozens of shares. This is done to reduce the risk. If one, two, or even a few companies whose shares who bought mutual funds will become bankrupt, the losses would still be limited.

When you purchase shares must be very limited risks. The easiest way to do it – is to buy shares of several companies. Therefore, always buy shares of several companies, at least 3-4 species. And more common for mutual funds and stocks. Do not put money in mutual funds and stocks for short periods. These tools for doing so will not fit. If you want to save money on something 2-3 years, then the banks can not be beat. Investing in real estate. Of course the main drawback of investing in real estate for the novice investor that typically requires several times more funds than to invest in stocks. Of course when you use credit, and joint efforts of several people – this amount may be reduced, but nevertheless, it remains significant. Otherwise, in my opinion, some advantages.