American Can

The biggest production of aluminum cans of two parts follows atendncia of the North American market, where the aluminum presents domnioabsoluto. In the case of the steel cans, the development of the one leaf-of-flandres, appropriate material for this use, comes being mainly carried through European porprodutores and for the CSN (today controller of the Metalic). The CSN is the greater siderurgical Brazilian and, also, world-wide producing dasmaiores of leaf-of-flandres. In 1995 she decided to create umproduto specific for the use in drink cans of two parts, a time that Metalic (its associate) decided to produce cans using as raw material it aoem aluminum time. The expressive growth reached in the production of parabebidas cans if must to the increment of the investments, as well as the entered a of the world-wide maioresprodutores of aluminum cans as Reynolds, the Crown, Cork & Seal, the American Can and the Ball in the Brazilian market. Thus being, capacidadede production reached 10.1 billion cans/year in 1996 ends, passing para12,2 billions in 1998. Being taken in account the sales of cans in the national market emrelao to the production, is observed that the capacity installed of the foimenos manufacturers expressive in the years of 1996 and 1997.

This occurred due to the elevadasimportaes of empty and full cans (about 4,4 billion in period 1993/97) for the envasadores of cooling beers and, had to advantages comerciaisque allowed to the delivery of the product to the market the competitive prices. However, to if considering the high index of losses, had inadequate aoarmazenamento and of climatic factors, this practical poucoeficiente revealed. In table 1, deembalagens of cans, installed in Brazil are related to the producing companies, as well as the producing units, the lines of production, the installed capacity and the main substance-primautilizada. For table 1, it is verified that Latasa s.a., is principalconcorrente of the company in study and the other companies in level of Brazil, however in the northeast region the two companies form a duopolista market.

Medical Secret Experiments

In 1952/53 they dispersed zinc-cadmium sulfide particle clouds synthesized on the students of the Clinton school of Minneapolis (Minnesota); Saint Louis, the Fort Wayne, the Valley of the Monocacy (Maryland), Leesburg (Virginia), other states of the center and Winnipeg (Canada), " in order to see how much dispersaran". In 1965, agents of the Army loosen to the bacillus globigii in the national airport of Washington and the terminal of Greyhound buses. In 1966, they spread to bacteria sustilus varilus in the Broadway station, New York. Files of the plutonium These ends of the iceberg seem of science fiction. Although they are covered with silence, they illustrate the terrorist vocation of the EE.UU. government with his own people. Although it is not easy to obtain data, the truth always finishes by knowing itself. An investigation of journalist Eileen Welsome documented in 1993 the history of 18 cases of radiation in the book The Plutonium Files: America" s Medical Secret Experiments in the Cold War (the archives of the plutonium: secret medical experiments during the Cold War).

The work of Welsome on the declassified secret files made an impression to Hazel O" Leary, secretary of Energy of Clinton, that promoted an investigation that in 1994 was very resisted by " inslita". Welsome revealed that 73 defenseless minors of a school of Massachusetts ingested radioactive isotopes in oats of the breakfast, a woman of New York was injected with plutonium by the doctors of the Manhattan project – the atomic bomb that took care of a pituitary disorder to him, while 829 embarrassed drank " cocktails vitamnicos" in a clinic of Tennessee, but in fact they contained radioactive iron. The government of Clinton formed a commission – presided over by Ruth Fade- to investigate the cases of radiation in human beings denounced by Welsome. Nevertheless, the report did not satisfy because there were no guilty.