Water Tank

That is, when you press the small button, the descent of water about 1 / 3 of the tank, although this level is subject to adjustment and natural in Pressing the main button (large) is lowering the total volume of water. Pay attention to the filling and dispensing systems, as they often fail and require financial investments. Placing the toilet tank has a more aesthetic appearance. Will you have bachek placed on the toilet or rises to a certain height, or be hidden in the wall, choose only to you. With mounted cisterns, most of us have, for example, old-style apartments, or in some public places, and I think few people remain satisfied with this arrangement, though some interior design requires just such an arrangement the cistern. But the lion's share remains the choice of buyer for a "compact", in this case the tank is attached to the toilet or special fasteners, also has a monolithic body. As there toilets and bidets with hanging installation, where the construction itself toilet weighs on the wall and drain the tank is located in the wall.

Such suspended toilet bowls are undeniably beautiful aesthetic, as well as take up less space. Misleading is that some people think, say, sit down on the toilet, and he and fall. Precisely the wrong view, as the toilet and bachek mounted on a special frame pre-installed and fixed in the desired aperture. Therefore, the outboard toilet can be used safely and confidently. Another important exception to this is how the discharge of water into the toilet bowl itself.

In the interior design of the toilet are special dividers that allow you to wrap around the entire bowl of water, washing Various pollution. Therefore, if the water is not dispersed throughout the inner bowl, you should not pay attention to such a toilet, let alone buy it, as further exploitation of various kinds of pollution, will only inconvenience you. And another not unimportant detail when choosing a toilet is a toilet seat cover. It seems to be something that is not worth attention, but when using the toilet this item becomes pronounced. Cover bowl must be made of hard plastic to have, preferably, metal fasteners, and fully match the size of the toilet. On some models, there are toilet lid with a smooth system subsidence, which gives the pros, for example, it will not be closed with a loud impact, which can lead to cracks on the toilet. Hopefully, with the help of this article can get a good and safe toilet. We wish you a successful purchase. When using the article reference santehnik.okis.ru required.

European Trade Novgorod

Marine Flags of cities of the Hanseatic League began to appear in Novgorod, long before the formation of the Hanseatic League itself (on him. Hanse and drevn.-it. Hansa, 'group', 'Union'). At the turn of the XI-XII centuries in Novgorod already existed trading posts Gotland merchants – the so-called gothic courtyard with the church of St. Olaf, which Novgorod was called " . On Gotland in Visby, Novgorod merchants established their town house, too, with the church, the remnants of which survived. In those times of Gotland has been the center of trade in the Baltic region during its heyday is also called the "Hanseatic League merchant '.

In the second half of the xii century on Gotland appeared German merchants came here from Lubeck, and other German cities. Gradually they pushed Gotlanders, and since the turn of XII-XIII centuries., European Trade Novgorod was conducted directly through the German merchants. The Centre also trade on the Baltic Sea from Gotland moved to Luebeck. Started 'Golden age' of Hansa, the so-called 'Hansa cities' Back in the xi century, following the example of Gotlanders, the Germans launched in Novgorod Gostinnyj your yard. German court called a court of St. Peter Hanseatic sources (by name mortgaged Germans are the church), is the basis Hanseatic office in Veliky Novgorod. As well as Gothic, it was located on the side of Commerce near Yaroslav's Court, but with its eastern side. Presiding office directly to the Hanseatic cities: first German Lubeck, and then Livonia, Riga, Dorpat, Reval.

Antique Lamps

Because, of course, the seller here larger volumes and subsequent purchases senses why he wants to make his offer particularly attractive. Are art collectors or interested in ancient objects, such as lamps, frames, cabinets, etc.? Then you have suitable certainly much knowledge that only a true professional can finally tell the difference between real and fake Antiquities. w. Of course it’s worth whatever, to educate themselves to get more information to better detect real pieces. The b2b-antiques.com website offers not only a good entry point into the matter, but is also a good platform, not only for the exchange of information, but also for the conclusion of transactions, as the name suggests, just for dealers and distributors. Because of course, the dealer to dealer sales is also much more profitable than buying of old lamps, paintings and other Antiquities somewhere else. Why? It’s very simple! Because Always better prices make other business people businessmen, as for individuals. Because, of course, the seller here larger volumes and subsequent purchases senses why he wants to make his offer particularly attractive. And the customer is on the safe side, because a commercial seller must also bear the responsibilities for the goods sold by him. “I.e., a shop sells the an old lamp as antique, and it turns out that the lamp only on old is trimmed, maybe even somewhere the stamp made in China” is, so you can withdraw easily from the purchase and the seller is obliged to take back the goods sold and to refund your money. So the B2B antiques offers “two pages of a certain security, the purchaser to buy something real, the security, and the seller the prospect a long term customer.”

Portuguese Jose Manuel Barroso

To the President the EU Executive this harassment reflects the concern about systematic capacity for responding to the debt crisis. New features of the Fund European stability have yet to be approved by the Governments of the eurozone. Barroso ensures that it will be by way of the urgency. The President of the European Commission, Portuguese Jose Manuel Barroso, has called this Wednesday of unwarranted pressure on Italian and Spanish debt markets. In a statement, Barroso said that the developments in Italy and Spain sovereign debt markets are cause for deep concern and that these events are clearly unjustified taking into account the economic and budgetary principles that are taking steps to strengthen these foundations. According to the President of the EU Executive, tensions reflect a growing concern of investors about the systematic capacity of the eurozone to respond to the crisis of debt in course. The second bailout to Greece is unique Barroso has stressed that the solution for the second bailout to Greece, which agreed the js of State and Government last July 21, is unique, and noted that the involvement of the private sector in the programme would not be a standard formula. As the European financial stability Fund agreed new functions are not clearly articulated and 17 States of the euro zone must ratify them, the date on which the European Union can do ctive new powers is not yet in sight. Barrroso has ensured that the technical work is underway and will be completed by way of the urgency. The agreement of the past 21 grants more powers to the Fund so that it can act to prevent, finance the recapitalization of banks through loans to Governments and intervene in the secondary markets in exceptional circumstances and in consultation with the European Central Bank. Source of the news: Barroso describes as “unjust” the pressures on debts Italian and Spanish

Copper: 7th Year Anniversary Symbol

Seven years union – is not an anniversary, but already a big date. This anniversary is said that the union is strong, and loving each other husband and wife still kept the very best sense. In folk tradition, the symbols of this day were two articles: Copper – as an attribute of the strength of union and wool – as soft attribute spouses. Let us try to choose a pair of gift that will both welcome and necessary, but it survived and a tribute to tradition. Copper wedding. Copper – dual metal. On the one hand, it has many useful features and it is always appreciated by people on the other hand, it is far from silver, gold and platinum.

So its copper gift you can give as "An introduction", followed by presentations of precious metals. Do not forget to remind spouses that after seven years together, there is still a lot of wonderful and pleasant moments. Copper has antibacterial properties. Therefore, one of the main gifts of this material has been and remains dishes. Of course, now the cups and dishes can not be objects of everyday use, as it once was, but even today they will be fine festive table decorations. Of copper obtained interesting vases fruit, jugs, trays. Do not forget the utensils for cooking: cooking porridge and jam experienced housewives prefer to copper pots and basins. All these gifts can be called "universal" what would you choose, you can be sure that the gift will be useful to spouses "in the economy." "Tableware" gifts can be made not only practical, but also original.


The most impressive moments in your life you can live them thanks to the Trans-Siberian that allows you to cycle through the Central Asia knowing cultural new and remote diversity of the most impressive places in Asia. In the last century this impressive engineering work was erected with Majesty. Design and manufacturing work lasted for years and, however, it has been rewarded by all those who called for tourism are shipped to one of the most impressive adventure. Opened in 1904, it had as main route the journey from Moscow to Vladivostok, Russian eastern city. This route was already impressive when in its infancy from the hand of the Tsar Alejandro III, the route consisted of the Chelyabinsk, about 2000 kilometers tour. However, thanks to the efforts of the Tsar, the route could expand to Vladivostok. The Trans-Siberian railway has suffered its greatest transformation when it was modernised between the 1950s and 1970s being electrified by full. Today the Trans-Siberian represents all the glory and cultural greatness of one region that is worthy of possessing large cultural and diversity of customs and traditions.

The Trans-Siberian is a sample of how this diversity is able to co-exist. On the tour we can go from Russia to Mongolia (called, transmongolia) or Russia to China (called, transmanchuriano). These are two of the routes that you can choose when we decided to embark on this fabulous adventure. Finally, we can say that the Trans-Siberian has amenities to make something really enjoyable trip. There are two possibilities to travel, economic or which represents one investment of a little more money. The first may we do not have the conveniences such as larger beds and soft seats, but is a good opportunity to really concentrate on the tour that lasts up to 7 days. The price difference occurs primarily by the quality of the seats and number of compartments.