Portuguese Jose Manuel Barroso

To the President the EU Executive this harassment reflects the concern about systematic capacity for responding to the debt crisis. New features of the Fund European stability have yet to be approved by the Governments of the eurozone. Barroso ensures that it will be by way of the urgency. The President of the European Commission, Portuguese Jose Manuel Barroso, has called this Wednesday of unwarranted pressure on Italian and Spanish debt markets. In a statement, Barroso said that the developments in Italy and Spain sovereign debt markets are cause for deep concern and that these events are clearly unjustified taking into account the economic and budgetary principles that are taking steps to strengthen these foundations. According to the President of the EU Executive, tensions reflect a growing concern of investors about the systematic capacity of the eurozone to respond to the crisis of debt in course. The second bailout to Greece is unique Barroso has stressed that the solution for the second bailout to Greece, which agreed the js of State and Government last July 21, is unique, and noted that the involvement of the private sector in the programme would not be a standard formula. As the European financial stability Fund agreed new functions are not clearly articulated and 17 States of the euro zone must ratify them, the date on which the European Union can do ctive new powers is not yet in sight. Barrroso has ensured that the technical work is underway and will be completed by way of the urgency. The agreement of the past 21 grants more powers to the Fund so that it can act to prevent, finance the recapitalization of banks through loans to Governments and intervene in the secondary markets in exceptional circumstances and in consultation with the European Central Bank. Source of the news: Barroso describes as “unjust” the pressures on debts Italian and Spanish

BasketballVasco Evtimov

Basket-ball Basket-ballVasco Evtimov (2, 07 m 34 ans), le frre p l intrieur chalonnais Ilian Evtimov, s est finalement engag jusqu’au p end the Foot Locker Air Max saison avec le club p Click here Paris-Levallois, actuel 12 ex aequo du championnat. L ex-worldwide fran & #231ais s entranait depuis plusieurs semaines avec Chalon. C est pour well Basque qu il not club trouv ait la fin jusqu p la saison. Il le mrite dclare you coach p l Elan Gregor Beugnot.Maxime Zianveni, bless au poignet droit depuis prs p deux mois, to pass not to rvl qui arthroscanner une lsion ligamentaire. Il pourrait mettre not terme sa saison.Seoul rescap in Trophe Coupe p France masculin, Priss-intermediate aura l avantage d voluer exterieur au prochain tour. L ensemble des Tango recevront tendances Ouest-Lyonnais, une autre formation p N2, le samedi 26 fvrier (20 h). Dans l ensemble air max, l preuve fminine des Charnaysiennes is dplaceront, elles, Challes-l ensemble des Eaux (N2). L ensemble des cadets et t p l ES Chalon connaissent legally leurs adversaires in 16 p (dimanche 27 finale fvrier): l ensemble des premiers are dplaceront l Asvel, l ensemble des Geipolsheim seconds.

Spanish Activists

They are protesting because the Greek authorities retain the ship where traveling with 5,000 tons of humanitarian aid to Gaza. Five activists chained to the Royal Palace in Barcelona, where Trinidad Jimenez attends an act. Spanish members of the movement heading to Gaza have occupied the headquarters of the Embassy of Spain Tuesday in Athens as a form of protest against the Greek decision prohibit the ship where traveling with humanitarian aid to continue heading to Gaza. The Ambassador of Spain in Athens, Manuel Fuerte, confirmed that about four to five people have occupied the Embassy and have declared that they intend to stay in the legation. The Willy Meyer eurodioputado, Spanish party Izquierda Unida, also confirmed this fact. About forty Spaniards have been for days aboard a boat Gernika in the port of Kolimpari, Crete, waiting to be able to sail towards Gaza to deliver humanitarian aid to the Palestinians. However, the Greek port authorities have blocked their departure, like that to the rest of the dozen of boats in other Hellenes ports with the argument that this journey can cause stress in external relations. Activists has replicated the Greek order issued last Friday to infringe Community law, international law and the new laws themselves.

Heading to Gaza recalled in a statement that despite having submitted all documentation required to sail in Kolumpari and despite all bureaucratic requirements, have been prevented from heading to the boat without any legal justification. He also reiterated the immoral and cowardly position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Spanish), with its owner, Trinidad Jimenez, to the front, which continues to maintain in silence despite the apparent anomaly that assumes that people of Spanish citizenship see harmed their freedom of movement and that remain constantly under surveillance by two Greek patrol boats. The second freedom Flotilla, composed of a dozen of vessels with some 500 activists aboard about 45 countries, carrying 5,000 tons of humanitarian aid and planned to be in international waters to navigate these days toward Gaza, before issuing the Greek order of blocking. Chained to the Royal Palace five activists of the Organization have chained this Tuesday at the Royal Palace in Barcelona, on the occasion of the visit of Minister of Foreign Affairs, Trinidad Jimenez, who attends inauguration of the new Secretary general of the Union for the Mediterranean, the Moroccan diplomat Youssef Amrani. As reported by heading to Gaza in a statement, the activists want to get its demand to the Minister to ensure that the so-called the freedom flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza can come to this Palestinian city. Source of the news: A group of activists bound for Gaza Spanish occupy the Embassy of Spain in Athens

Charlie Sheen Signs Peace

The actor and the producer could have come to an agreement by which Sheen could receive 25 million dollars as compensation for his dismissal. Charlie Sheen was fired from two men and a half by their addictions and their exits of tone, that led him to publicly insult the creator of the series. Actor Charlie Sheen and Warner Bros. producer. they finally resolved their dispute surrounding the dismissal of the actor from the television show that starred, two men and middle, confirmed Tuesday the Hollywood studio in a statement which does not reveal details of the agreement. Sheen was fired last March after a series of erratic behaviors associated with an excess of alcohol and drugs which led to the cancellation of the recordings of the last episodes of the eighth season of his sitcom.

The interpreter then sued their exjs for wrongful dismissal and claimed them 100 million dollars in compensation. Last week, the U.S. Media anticipated that the agreement to settle the case was next and They estimated that Sheen might receive 25 million dollars as compensation. Warner Bros. Television, Chuck Lorre (creator of the series) and Charlie Sheen have resolved their dispute to the satisfaction of all parties.

Pending judgment and legal discretion will be rejected by the parties, which have agreed to maintain the confidentiality of the terms of agreement, he cited the study in its communique. Until the time of his dismissal, Sheen was the highest paid actor on the small screen, with revenues of 1.8 billion dollars by chapter, but its repeated tone out dishes outlets ended up with the patience of those responsible for the series. The straw that broke the camel were some serious insults dumped by Sheen against Chuck Lorre once actor frustrated by not being able to resume work to have been cancelled recordings. Series continues the ninth season of two men and half started last week on CBS with a record audience. More than 27.7 million viewers watched the funeral of Charlie Harper (Sheen), who died atropellado by a train of subway allegedly pushed by his girlfriend, furious after learning that he had been unfaithful. Sheen was replaced by Ashton Kutcher, who plays a young millionaire. Source of the news: Charlie Sheen signs peace with Warner Brothers for $ 25 million

Bartomeu Real Madrid

EP the first Vice-President of FC Barcelona returns to talk about the eternal rival. Two weeks ago he believed that Madrid had a serious problem with Mou. We cannot agree with these conflicts. We have started the League, will find us and does not want to talk about nothing but sports. The Vice President of FC Barcelona, Josep Maria Bartomeu, has returned to say that Real Madrid has a problem, as already said after the incidents in the back for the Supercopa of Spain, and has assured that since the club Catalans expect whites to do something to solve it because we cannot agree with these conflicts, although for now she prefers to focus only on sports.

It said that the they have a problem, I have seen it all and they should resolve it. Do not change my words, what I said is, and hopefully to do something because we cannot agree with these conflicts. But we have now started the League, they are our rival, will return to find us with them and do not want to talk about nothing more than the sporting theme, he said during the press conference of balance of the work done by the sports area of the club this summer. Thus, Bartomeu reaffirms their words in TV3 two weeks ago in which believed that Madrid had a very serious problem with Mourinho, in rrencia to the Portuguese aggression to Tito Vilanova at the end of the return of Spanish Supercup. On the other hand, the head of the sports area praised the work done by the cule coach, Josep Guardiola, whom he described as a genius, and explained that the club will do everything possible to renew it.

We give you the best tools to make your job as easy as possible. If we do it, when you arrive the day of your renewal you will be very difficult to say who do not. It is the most fundamental piece of the successes of the club these years, he stressed. Bartomeu League conflict, to dndio the policy of the club continue making summer tours to please fans in other parts of the world, was positioned in favour of the claim of a royalty to the by the League of professional football (LFP) radios retransmissions of League matches. We think like the rest of the clubs of the LFP, which wants Spain equated with what is done in other countries. We know how are the economies of the clubs and that, by little to report, will help them to be more competitive, he reasoned. Finally, the leader explained that income received by sales Jeffren and Oriol Romeu were added to the budget reserved for signings this season, with which the total amount rose to almost 55 million euros. On the other hand, the variable amounts of all operations made by the club, as he explained Bartomeu, shall be charged to the budget of the season that touch. Source of the news: Bartomeu: “Real Madrid has a problem and we hope to do something”

Athletic Bilbao

EP champion plays at Malaga on Sunday at 20.00 h. Real Madrid receives athletic, at 18.00 h. The Sevillan Derby closes on Sunday. The morning match will be Reyo-Mallorca. There is also the second day schedules. The attractive duel of the first day of the La Liga, who will face the defending champion, FC Barcelona, and to one of the teams most has been strengthened for this campaign, Malaga, will be held on August 21 at 20.00 hours.

Opens the League day on Saturday, August 20 the party that will face RCD Espanyol, that greets the newly promoted Granada CF, from 18.00 hours, while for Sunday will be the premiere of Real Madrid against Athletic Bilbao (18.00 hours), Rayo Vallecano, on his first return, will return to play at 1200 hours before the Mallorca, closing that day the Seville Derby, which face Real Betis and Sevilla at 22.00 hours. For its part, Atletico Madrid that will pay visit to the Royal Society in Anoeta played their first game garter belt Monday, August 22 at 21.00 hours. HOURS of the first day of first DIVISION: Saturday 20 August 18.00: RCD Espanyol – Granada CF. 18.00: Levante UD-Real Zaragoza. 20.00: Villarreal CF-Real Sporting de Gijon. 22.00: CA Osasuna-Valencia CF (split open). Sunday 21 August, 12.00: Rayo Vallecano-RCD Mallorca. 16.00: Racing de Santander – Getafe CF.

18.00: Real Madrid-Athletic Club de Bilbao. 20.00: Malaga CF-FC Barcelona. 22.00: Real Betis-Sevilla FC. Monday 22 August, 21.00: Royal Society-Atletico Madrid. HOURS of the second day of the first DIVISION: Saturday, August 27 18.00 Sporting-Real society 20.00 Valencia-Racing 22.00 Granada-Betis, Sunday, 28 August 12.00 Atletico de Madrid-Osasuna 16.00 Athletic Club-Rayo Vallecano 18.00 Mallorca-Espanyol 18.00 Getafe-Levante 20.00 Zaragoza-Real 22.00 Madrid Sevilla-malaga Monday, August 29 21.00 Barcelona-Villarreal source of the news: Madrid and Barca debut in the League on Sunday in a day with soccer at all hours

La Monumental

When the toreros went out through the large square door, some fans approached the activists. Both groups engaged, and exchanged blows and shoving. The Mossos have not confirmed the arrests. A group of fans to the bulls and persecuted activists have staged altercations on the outskirts of La Monumental of Barcelona at the end of this Sunday the last bullfight in this square, which puts an end to bullfighting in Catalonia. While they ventured outside to shoulder three bullfighters who formed the farewell of the Barcelona’s coso poster, some twenty fans approached a dozen of activists who were still manifesting itself in front of plaza against bullfights and in animals dnsa. Amid some confusion, and they engaged in a fight with shoving and blows to which ended a quick intervention of the police to avoid more incidents. According to sources of the Mossos d police, was arrested after the riots, and persecuted activists picked up their banners and left the vicinity of the square. A poster that featured the right-handed Jose Tomas closed the bullfighting Festival in La Monumental of Barcelona with a last run before the entry into force, on 1 January, the ban on bullfighting in Catalonia. Source of the news: altercations between fans and activists persecuted after the last bullfight in Catalonia.

Autonomous University

In Spain has been filed a complaint against them. Europe says wanting to curb them, but, as in his day with the Re-Foundation of capitalism, said than the fact half an abyss. ATTAC. This international organization has spent years building speech from the academic and intellectual worlds. Its flag is global economic justice and opposition to the dominant liberal thought in the economic debate.

His last campaign promotes a tax on financial transactions (Tobin rate). Banking. It embodies the role of Max enemy. It is considered guilty of the financial crisis that began in 2007. The bailouts of institutions have given rise to a debate about the need for a public bank.

But, as the Economist at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and President of Justice i Pau, Arcadi Oliveres, banking ethics is also an important alternative, as it is transparent in terms of the money they receive and to give. And also, give it according to ethical criteria. Botin, Emilio. Songs, cartoons and banners customize figure of the banker who is enriched at the expense of the whole of society the Chairman of Banco Santander. Their recent judicial problems for alleged tax fraud, which is involved part of his family, does not seem to contribute to an improvement of its image. Citizen / consumer. The 15-M movement has raised the need that economic policies are directed to the citizen and to achieve their well-being. At the theoretical level the figure of the citizen – is confronted with its consequent capacity of policy response – with consumer (of products and political noise) that is attributed to the current model. The recent documentary buy, shoot, buy, that it calls into question the existing consumerism, has been a success. Degrowth. It is another economic trend upward. He fights the ideological claim to the capitalism prevailing that economic growth is good by itself same with the evidence of the depletion of resources.

Conservative Parties

Pedro Passos Coelho, the PSD leader, will be the Prime Minister. The new Government is committed to not borrow more from abroad. We’ll bet by the transparency and total openness, they say. The conservative with a total of 132 seats in the 230 totals. Portugal’s two main conservative parties signed this Thursday the agreement which sealed their Alliance to this legislature and allowing them to govern in majority to a total of 132 seats in the 230 that make up Parliament. Designated as next Prime Minister and leader of the party Social Democrat (PSD), Pedro Passos Coelho, stamped his signature next to the President of the CDS-PP, Paulo Portas, in a document entitled majority for change that includes lines of l agreement reached by both political after eight days of negotiations, and that, Iran primarily aimed at not borrow more from abroad.

The PSD, the clear winner of the last legislative elections, again agree with the Christian Democrats of the CDS-PP to form Government nine years After the last time, in 2002, when the now-President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Durao Barroso, was appointed Prime Minister luso. Speaking to the media after a meeting of nearly an hour, Passos Coelho as Portas today highlighted the efforts made by both bands to bring their positions closer, mend the fences and get this agreement. Designated as next Premier luso – that must wait yet a constituting the Parliament to be able to be invested – announced also that the contents of the document signed by both groups will be not disclosed yet since basically coincides with the Government programme. In an appearance before the press, the two leaders made rrencia to the difficult economic situation facing Portugal and promised to diligently fulfill the commitments made to the European Union and l International Monetary Fund (IMF) in return for their financial support. We are planning to return to the markets in two years, Although we will do everything possible to make it faster. We’ll bet by transparency, the full opening of the country to a global economy and introduce more results than words, said Passos Coelho.Rule for generations the PSD leader explained that the agreement achieved with the CDS-PP goes beyond the adjustments and reforms agreed with the EU and IMF and includes relevant transformations in the economic and social fields to get Portugal out once and in a sustainable manner of this cycle of requests for external assistance.

Portugal, which has resorted to the bailout three times, needed for this reform their economic structures, ensure social mobility and help at the same time to those who need it most, said Passos Coelho. Portas, for his part, stressed that the new Portuguese Government will address the problem of debt, which was ignored, in addition to giving the economy a central role for a long time. The President of the CDS-PP – who presumably will occupy some Ministry in the next Executive – affected that are productive sectors and not the Government created growth. We have to govern for the next generations and not for the next legislature, said the leader of the Portuguese Christian Democrats, who considered that the main features of the agreement reached with the PSD are courage, change and moderation. Source of the news: conservative parties of Portugal sealed their Alliance to govern in majority

Italian Government

Measures adopted measures include cuts in the funds allocated to regional and local authorities and, Although not be pointed out data at the press conference, the meeting in the morning with the representatives of these entities we discussed a decrease totalling 9,500 million euros, 6,000 in 2012 and 3,500 in 2013. Also Berlusconi’s Government hoped to lower the costs of the policy, among the highest in Europe, with a series of measures to contain spending and through cuts in resources earmarked for ministries. In the appearance before the press, politicians pledged to reduce by 2012 in 6,000 million euros funds allocated to ministries, while they did not rrencia to the 2.5 billion of cuts planned for 2013 in the draft, leaked by the media of communication. Tax the rich on the other hand, the text adopted contains measures tax as that afteracquired with a 5% annual incomes that exceed the 90,000 euros and with a 10% exceeding 150,000 euros. Provides, in addition, an increase in the levy on financial returns, 12.5% to 20%, up from which exempted the public debt securities. The text includes the hardening of combating tax evasion, with measures such as sanctions for not issuing invoice and the obligation to use payment systems that leave constancy in transactions that are subject to the payment of VAT exceeding 2,500 euros. With the intention of increasing productivity, the Government proposes to move to Monday no religious holidays of the working calendar and thus avoid bridges. Also among the measures to be applied in the next two years includes the possibility to carry out privatization in local services and encourage the liberalization of economic activity. Source of the news: the Italian Government approves a plan of 45,500 million adjustment