Bartomeu Real Madrid

EP the first Vice-President of FC Barcelona returns to talk about the eternal rival. Two weeks ago he believed that Madrid had a serious problem with Mou. We cannot agree with these conflicts. We have started the League, will find us and does not want to talk about nothing but sports. The Vice President of FC Barcelona, Josep Maria Bartomeu, has returned to say that Real Madrid has a problem, as already said after the incidents in the back for the Supercopa of Spain, and has assured that since the club Catalans expect whites to do something to solve it because we cannot agree with these conflicts, although for now she prefers to focus only on sports.

It said that the they have a problem, I have seen it all and they should resolve it. Do not change my words, what I said is, and hopefully to do something because we cannot agree with these conflicts. But we have now started the League, they are our rival, will return to find us with them and do not want to talk about nothing more than the sporting theme, he said during the press conference of balance of the work done by the sports area of the club this summer. Thus, Bartomeu reaffirms their words in TV3 two weeks ago in which believed that Madrid had a very serious problem with Mourinho, in rrencia to the Portuguese aggression to Tito Vilanova at the end of the return of Spanish Supercup. On the other hand, the head of the sports area praised the work done by the cule coach, Josep Guardiola, whom he described as a genius, and explained that the club will do everything possible to renew it.

We give you the best tools to make your job as easy as possible. If we do it, when you arrive the day of your renewal you will be very difficult to say who do not. It is the most fundamental piece of the successes of the club these years, he stressed. Bartomeu League conflict, to dndio the policy of the club continue making summer tours to please fans in other parts of the world, was positioned in favour of the claim of a royalty to the by the League of professional football (LFP) radios retransmissions of League matches. We think like the rest of the clubs of the LFP, which wants Spain equated with what is done in other countries. We know how are the economies of the clubs and that, by little to report, will help them to be more competitive, he reasoned. Finally, the leader explained that income received by sales Jeffren and Oriol Romeu were added to the budget reserved for signings this season, with which the total amount rose to almost 55 million euros. On the other hand, the variable amounts of all operations made by the club, as he explained Bartomeu, shall be charged to the budget of the season that touch. Source of the news: Bartomeu: “Real Madrid has a problem and we hope to do something”

Conservative Parties

Pedro Passos Coelho, the PSD leader, will be the Prime Minister. The new Government is committed to not borrow more from abroad. We’ll bet by the transparency and total openness, they say. The conservative with a total of 132 seats in the 230 totals. Portugal’s two main conservative parties signed this Thursday the agreement which sealed their Alliance to this legislature and allowing them to govern in majority to a total of 132 seats in the 230 that make up Parliament. Designated as next Prime Minister and leader of the party Social Democrat (PSD), Pedro Passos Coelho, stamped his signature next to the President of the CDS-PP, Paulo Portas, in a document entitled majority for change that includes lines of l agreement reached by both political after eight days of negotiations, and that, Iran primarily aimed at not borrow more from abroad.

The PSD, the clear winner of the last legislative elections, again agree with the Christian Democrats of the CDS-PP to form Government nine years After the last time, in 2002, when the now-President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Durao Barroso, was appointed Prime Minister luso. Speaking to the media after a meeting of nearly an hour, Passos Coelho as Portas today highlighted the efforts made by both bands to bring their positions closer, mend the fences and get this agreement. Designated as next Premier luso – that must wait yet a constituting the Parliament to be able to be invested – announced also that the contents of the document signed by both groups will be not disclosed yet since basically coincides with the Government programme. In an appearance before the press, the two leaders made rrencia to the difficult economic situation facing Portugal and promised to diligently fulfill the commitments made to the European Union and l International Monetary Fund (IMF) in return for their financial support. We are planning to return to the markets in two years, Although we will do everything possible to make it faster. We’ll bet by transparency, the full opening of the country to a global economy and introduce more results than words, said Passos Coelho.Rule for generations the PSD leader explained that the agreement achieved with the CDS-PP goes beyond the adjustments and reforms agreed with the EU and IMF and includes relevant transformations in the economic and social fields to get Portugal out once and in a sustainable manner of this cycle of requests for external assistance.

Portugal, which has resorted to the bailout three times, needed for this reform their economic structures, ensure social mobility and help at the same time to those who need it most, said Passos Coelho. Portas, for his part, stressed that the new Portuguese Government will address the problem of debt, which was ignored, in addition to giving the economy a central role for a long time. The President of the CDS-PP – who presumably will occupy some Ministry in the next Executive – affected that are productive sectors and not the Government created growth. We have to govern for the next generations and not for the next legislature, said the leader of the Portuguese Christian Democrats, who considered that the main features of the agreement reached with the PSD are courage, change and moderation. Source of the news: conservative parties of Portugal sealed their Alliance to govern in majority