Water Tank

That is, when you press the small button, the descent of water about 1 / 3 of the tank, although this level is subject to adjustment and natural in Pressing the main button (large) is lowering the total volume of water. Pay attention to the filling and dispensing systems, as they often fail and require financial investments. Placing the toilet tank has a more aesthetic appearance. Will you have bachek placed on the toilet or rises to a certain height, or be hidden in the wall, choose only to you. With mounted cisterns, most of us have, for example, old-style apartments, or in some public places, and I think few people remain satisfied with this arrangement, though some interior design requires just such an arrangement the cistern. But the lion's share remains the choice of buyer for a "compact", in this case the tank is attached to the toilet or special fasteners, also has a monolithic body. As there toilets and bidets with hanging installation, where the construction itself toilet weighs on the wall and drain the tank is located in the wall.

Such suspended toilet bowls are undeniably beautiful aesthetic, as well as take up less space. Misleading is that some people think, say, sit down on the toilet, and he and fall. Precisely the wrong view, as the toilet and bachek mounted on a special frame pre-installed and fixed in the desired aperture. Therefore, the outboard toilet can be used safely and confidently. Another important exception to this is how the discharge of water into the toilet bowl itself.

In the interior design of the toilet are special dividers that allow you to wrap around the entire bowl of water, washing Various pollution. Therefore, if the water is not dispersed throughout the inner bowl, you should not pay attention to such a toilet, let alone buy it, as further exploitation of various kinds of pollution, will only inconvenience you. And another not unimportant detail when choosing a toilet is a toilet seat cover. It seems to be something that is not worth attention, but when using the toilet this item becomes pronounced. Cover bowl must be made of hard plastic to have, preferably, metal fasteners, and fully match the size of the toilet. On some models, there are toilet lid with a smooth system subsidence, which gives the pros, for example, it will not be closed with a loud impact, which can lead to cracks on the toilet. Hopefully, with the help of this article can get a good and safe toilet. We wish you a successful purchase. When using the article reference santehnik.okis.ru required.

Building a Dream Home

How to build your dream home. You have decided to build a house? Before you decide what color will the walls and roof of what will be the interior design should reflect on the very important question – who will build your house? Three Questions necessary to choose a construction company have to choose a professional manner. Construction company that is willing to open dialogue with customers and can with legkstyu answer the following questions. 1) What homes were built before? Ask the construction company to show homes that were recently constructed by it. If it is a professional construction company – she should be proud of the houses that were built by it. In addition, ask a construction company – to organize your meeting with people who had previously ordered the construction of homes. Maybe so you get to know your future neighbors. 2) What happens if I change my mind? Ask construction company that will be the case if you refuse to build a house after the project starts.

It is quite possible that you're not going to give up – but life is very unpredictable. Perhaps you have some financial difficulties. Serious construction company in this case will be able to return your part for your buck. 3) What do they guarantee? Make sure that the construction firm guarantees professional performance commitments. You need a professional construction company – go to the site – a company that provides services such as: designing buildings, construction, reconstruction.