Samsung Trading Company

As the rice grew netbook. According to the great Korean businessman named Lee Bong-chul 70 years required for the rice to become a netbook. During this time the rice should go through many transformations. For a start, was to turn it into rice flour. It is in this business has built a nice Samsung founder Lee Bong-chul – already in 1938, he was actively exported it, despite the very difficult situation in the country (Korea was a colony of Japan). So , the figure gave a start to many areas of business, Lee. This is a supply of sugar and dried fish, rice vodka and beer.

Then got a start in life a trademark of Samsung Trading Company. About electronics while Lee was thinking, but the netbook, of course, These thoughts do not come. Although, who's his znaet.Cherno-white television. Thus, in Korea, everything is bad – war, famine. Electricity and running water – a luxury. Lee Bong-chul – loses its warehouses and factories … and invests in the sugar factory, textile factory and insurance.

He was again successful. After the war, Samsung gets government loans and tax breaks – she deserves it more than once and proved it. In 1969, Samsung teaming up with Sanyo and starts production of black and white TV. It is worth noting that black and white television in those days created a much larger revolution than a netbook segodnya.Dvizhenie in space – an important part of every notebook. Samsung Electronics successfully survived the crisis in the '80s and continued its winning streak over the world.

Analysis Sales

* Control: – Control Order to ensure the buyer of goods, including "goods in transit." – Monitoring the execution of sales plans by departments in charge persons, sales representatives, merchandise. – Monitoring the implementation of load scheduling and transmission of orders by customers. * Analysis: – Analysis of sales in the context of suppliers, customers, purchase orders, goods, retail units and responsible persons. – Comparative analysis of data on planned and actual sales. – Control of sales in any quantity – accrued meter (unit of packaging, weight, volume, displacement, fixed prices, etc.) in any product profiles (suppliers, accounting sections, departments, customers).

– Analysis of the proceeds of goods and their delivery in an arbitrary, determined by your sections and measuring devices, such as the types of buyers. * Planning: – Scheduling of shipments in volume and value terms, as the enterprise as a whole and by any commercial units (shops / departments). – Sales planning by groups of commodities, goods provider and the individual nomenklatura positions. – Formation and control plan for the export of goods. – Planning of revenue from sales, including for goods shipped on credit and the "full implementation". Budgeting and Profit losses from trading activities.

Specialized solutions of trade. Trade alcoholic beverages. * Accounting: – Maintain the attributes of alcoholic products, such as degrees, displacement, alcohol and statistical code, the excise tax codes EGAIS system. – Keeping "alcoholic" details of clients and their retail outlets, such as parameters of alcohol licenses, license type, attribute declarations unloading.