Analysis Sales

* Control: – Control Order to ensure the buyer of goods, including "goods in transit." – Monitoring the execution of sales plans by departments in charge persons, sales representatives, merchandise. – Monitoring the implementation of load scheduling and transmission of orders by customers. * Analysis: – Analysis of sales in the context of suppliers, customers, purchase orders, goods, retail units and responsible persons. – Comparative analysis of data on planned and actual sales. – Control of sales in any quantity – accrued meter (unit of packaging, weight, volume, displacement, fixed prices, etc.) in any product profiles (suppliers, accounting sections, departments, customers).

– Analysis of the proceeds of goods and their delivery in an arbitrary, determined by your sections and measuring devices, such as the types of buyers. * Planning: – Scheduling of shipments in volume and value terms, as the enterprise as a whole and by any commercial units (shops / departments). – Sales planning by groups of commodities, goods provider and the individual nomenklatura positions. – Formation and control plan for the export of goods. – Planning of revenue from sales, including for goods shipped on credit and the "full implementation". Budgeting and Profit losses from trading activities.

Specialized solutions of trade. Trade alcoholic beverages. * Accounting: – Maintain the attributes of alcoholic products, such as degrees, displacement, alcohol and statistical code, the excise tax codes EGAIS system. – Keeping "alcoholic" details of clients and their retail outlets, such as parameters of alcohol licenses, license type, attribute declarations unloading.