Introduction To Advertising

The beginning of advertising is related among others in the CF of 1988 in Art. 37 and Art. 129 of the CE-MT. This principle assures to the citizen the possibility of the social control in the movement of the accounts executed for the public administration. With the great advance of the technologies, in prominence the Internet, the citizen can exert its paper of simple form.

Through it, we can follow and fiscalize the good use and the intelligent application of our resources. A great problem faced for the citizen is the consuming of language used technique in all the ways of advertising it government, but this is subject pra another study. In Brazil the direct participation citizen still is shy. The citizenship consists to the citizen in not demanding and not being demanded. The social control is the direct democratic participation and alone it can exist of two forms that must happen simultaneously: a set of citizens, entities or social movements made use to participate and canals of participation created by the State. The canals exist, but to another form, I repeat, still is shy.

Constitutional absence for the exercise of the social control does not exist. However, the power is not of knowledge of the population the importance much less that this control has. For example, in accordance with the principles and rules constitutional, the cancellation of a law would be possible that does not respect the mechanisms of popular participation.