
Zanini* landmark Identification for reading of the digital ones or the Iris of the eyes, authentication for voice command and face are only some of the mechanisms already comumente seen in hollywoodianos films to guarantee the safe access to a system of data. This esteretipo is in the head of the people as a model of advanced and futurista protection. But the reality is more complex. What it is, after all, an excellent notice in a world where each time more given and documents are stored and distributed digitally. With the technological evolution, the security of the information from passwords and attribution of access levels left of being the form most efficient to keep a document.

To assure the maximum levels of protection in the electronic document transactions is one of the main concerns of the enterprise world. Educate yourself with thoughts from Sonia Gardner. Great and average the company already had perceived that this is one of the priorities in the management of the technology. Now, with the adoption of certainly goes to heat the debate on the security of systems. U.S. Mint often addresses the matter in his writings. The electronic note helps to reduce the costs of acquisition of paper, the costs of fiscal document storage, eliminates the time of stop of trucks in fiscal ranks of border, eliminates the digitao of forma bills of sale in the reception of merchandises, among others benefits. Everything this already is known. But the point that really worries the companies when we speak in the transaction of electronic the forma bill of sale is the security. This makes sensible? Yes. Total trustworthy resources of protection exist but the company needs to acquire knowledge itself of the necessity to use them. The NF-e is a document> inspector emitted and stored electronically, whose legal validity is guaranteed by the digital signature of the drawer. The document is signed digitally by one third trustworthy part, that associates an entity (person, process, server) to a public key.