Hookah Does Not Equal Health

People have long shown special interest in intoxicating substances, and get great pleasure in experimenting with different and new materials. To this end, they felt the need for multiple devices. One of these devices called narghile, also known to mankind as a hookah, water pipe, or bubbly hubby. The investigation shows that hookahs came five centuries ago, first used in India, and later received spread in the Middle East, East Asia, Egypt, Arabia, Persia, North and East Africa. Nowadays, hookah smoking is even more popular than in the past. Perhaps this is due to the fact that wholesale hookahs in our country were brought recently and now every person has the opportunity to choose and buy him a favorite hookah from thousands of suggestions.

But there is a misconception that smoking hookah is safer for health than cigarettes, that the water used in the hookah makes the tobacco less toxic. Unfortunately, this is – a myth. According to the md Clinic Mayo pulmonologist Edward Rosenow tobacco is no less poisonous, but hookah smokers actually inhale more tobacco smoke than do people who smoke regular cigarettes. Hookah device consists of four parts: – a basis that is partially filled with water – a ball that contains tobacco and hookah coal (heating source) – a tube, which connects the bowl to the base – the hose, the second tube in the tube, which does not fall into the water and allow smoke to inhale hookah. When a smoker inhales through the tube, the pressure causes the air by the source and heats the tobacco, which emits smoke. The smoke is separated from the tobacco and passes through the water in the ground – from which the smoker inhales. Although many believe that the water in the hookah filters out all the 'bad stuff' in tobacco smoke, this is not true. Even after the passage of through water, tobacco smoke still contains high levels of toxic compounds, including carbon monoxide, heavy metals and cancer-causing chemicals (carcinogens).

Diagnostics Laboratory

On the other hand, the impact of all factors that weaken the immune system, disturbances in the diet (especially the predominance of carbohydrate foods, sugars) promotes the proliferation of Giardia and development of disease recurrence with the whole complex of symptoms, including those with the skin side. Diagnostics Laboratory diagnosis of giardiasis is diverse, but also difficult, especially if only used scatological research methods. Analysis of failures in the identification of Giardia in the investigation of faecal possible to systematize the main causes of failures, false-negative results. These include: improperly collected material for the study (solid fraction of feces from the lower segments of the colon); representation lab stool while taking medicines (antibiotics, antacids, antidiarrheal means, laxatives, etc.), damaging the morphology of the parasites, the error of laboratory studies (not used all the methods preparation of material, poor quality smear preparation, lack of insistence on the examination of the drug) and the study of feces in the so-called "silent" period, when the selection is terminated lamblia cysts (for a period of 8-14 days) elimination of these causes at the first examination of feces to identify Giardia may already have 76% of patients after the second study the probability increases to 90%. However, the detection of Giardia cysts in feces is not always possible when Giardiasis, confirmed by other methods. Inconsistent separation of cysts from feces requires repeated studies of feces, as well as using other methods of laboratory analysis. Scatological method is most affordable, but also the least informative, but to improve the detection of Giardia in the faeces can introduce the following modifications: the use of liquid fractions of feces from the last portion (adjacent to the small intestine) collected from 6-7 places by scraping, should not be used in medicine for 5-7 days to get a chair with constipation can be used candles – glycerin and bisakoldil); preservation in a glass container with 10% formalin or mertiolatenodin formalin-MISE, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) for several days weakened portions of feces (preservatives do not destroy the cysts of Giardia), different staining techniques smear faeces – Lugol's iodine solution or trihromom gamatoksilinom iron. .