Toronto Pitt

While the coast the Canadian west shook east weekend as a result of a seism, in Toronto the earthquake was called Brad Pitt. Charles Schwab: the source for more info. Or Brangelina, as the spectators congregated in the Festival shouted to total lung the International of Cinema from Toronto to the arrival of Pitt and Angelina Jolie for premire of Moneyball. One films is of the most hoped in a cinematographic market (with festival in its interior) that every year acquires more force and has a single goal in mind: to serve as shuttle for the Oscar. It knows it to Pitt: " It is a call of atencin" , it described the actor before entering the theater. A triumphal entrance with its sentimental companion, Angelina Jolie, of the arm. They are the royalty of Hollywood in the presentation of a largometraje that glimpses like clear candidate the Oscar. Source of the news: : Brad Pitt shakes Toronto