Traditional Art

Source: Access in 09/2010 On the strained legs to place impermeable and on it a towel, the relaxation that the baby feels when we massageamos makes with that many times they empty the bladder; The massage must be made in silences, to communicate itself of another form (to look at, touch); In the summer, one will be in house, the less clothes it will be using, more it exempts its body it will go to work, it places the body of the direct baby on its legs; Image 3: Shantala a Traditional Art. Source: Access in 09/2010 Now its hands goes to work from the left flank, its right hand goes until the opposing shoulder, covering for all the chest of the baby until arriving at the right shoulder, repeating of the other side, making these movements for some times the massage must be made slowly, without haste Gives attention in the end of each movement, external side of the hand, the side that if draws out of minguinho slides for the neck of the baby; Images 4: Shantala a Traditional Art. Source: Access in 09/2010 the two hands go to work simultaneously, but inverse direction, placing one of the side of the other they surround the shoulder, forming bracelet, and you it will make with that the two bracelets if dislocate from the shoulder for the hand of the baby, arriving in the fist recommences again; The hands: with its thumbs, in which they massageiam the palm of the hands going for the fingers, later it arrests the fingers makes to fold them as if it wanted that the blood flowed of the palm for the extremities; The belly: the hands work one after the other, leaving of the base of the chest where if they initiate the ribs, the hands go down until the part of low of the belly, you bring its hands, after to another one in its direction, making with that they work the belly all; Image 5: Shantala a Traditional Art. .