Proper Application

In pursuit of convenience and quality companies are looking for the shortest path, and if there is a demand then there is a suggestion, we all know this slogan, which pushes the progress to its maximum speed. Vendors have begun to look the same the shortest path. Both appeared on the market a product that can provide convenience, speed and the maximum calculation accuracy: it is a dry construction mixtures. What has been without them? The answer is simple Cement and sand, in fact all of this and left, but in certain proportions, under different markings, quality, and specific uses. What happened to the cement? Do not worry, he's still number one! Nobody was going to write him out of the archives history, it continues to be widely used, but more on that later. We now proceed to the marking of dry mixes, starting with the widely used: M-150 and M-200, belong to the universal, plaster, masonry mixtures immediately say that the higher value of the number, the greater the ratio of cement, compared with the sand, that is, in a mixture under the trademark M-200 cement more than the M-150, the level of hardening, respectively, also higher. Used for bricklaying, plastering, exterior and domestic work. A mixture of M-300, better known as peskobeton, the ratio of the cement in it are much higher than in previous high level of hardening and strength, used to work with increased strength, foundations, formwork, die of the monolith, etc. M-400 and M-500, as promised, do not forget about the cement, these markings are used to it, or rather PC-400 and PC-500, differ in the density of particles, respectively, the force has hardened in the PC-500 is higher than that of the hrc -400, the same cost mention the PC-600, the so-called military cement used for construction of bunkers, military installations and other facilities requiring high strength. To date, the Russian market represented a great number of companies engaged in production of dry building mixes, you can select some of the most popular brands – 'Ivsil', 'Knauf', 'Volma', 'Eunice', 'Stone Flower' I hope this article helps you to get confused in choosing correct products, and select the right for yourself!