Assessment Tools

Every company must evaluate its corporate image to different audiences with whom you have ongoing relationship. The instrument used for this measurement is the audit of the image. You can not design or drafting a strategic plan prior year if we do not know how we are feeling our different target audiences. Many institutions use the news media monitoring service to measure its image, and feel that is enough, but this is only part of the media, the media profile. An audit of the image must be approached in an integrated manner so that it serves to make an assessment of all aspects that make up the image, which are equally important, such as the value of its brands, customer service, reputation, financial, opinion and that employees are projected to the outside, just to name a few variables. It is advisable to hire a market research firm to audit image because they have the structure, staffing and appropriate measuring instruments. It is important to consult or ask for references from previous work that these specialist firms have been made for other institutions and assess its expertise in these areas.

For an image audit is complete four important aspects to be considered and, for me cover almost all areas of interest: The financial picture (financial reputation and capital structure) The trade dress (product value, customer service and the value of brands) The image internal (employees and internal climate) public image (image in the media and public opinion) Great especially if a company has just gone through a crisis the media, the audit image measures the impact or damage that may have suffered corporate image and affects the value of brands, the state of employee morale, confidence of creditors and suppliers. The indicators obtained can serve as a reference to launch a campaign to reposition image if necessary. A image audit is not a study that followed efectuamuy, without this meaning that debemosdescuidarla image of the institution. The audit, to me, is a starting point, thereafter, to create mechanisms for monitoring and ongoing monitoring. The audit image shows "where we are" and, on that basis, we can decide "where we want to" go in communication. You can read more about these topics visit