The City

Or the same amount of gasoline, but for half the amount appropriated. And while all of the tasks performed, goods delivered, and even the driver goes not so gloomy. Because of the savings of money to him for moral suffering wages have increased. At this point, a business man, suspecting that it is not just because he tells it all, must necessarily ask only right in this situation the question: 'What?'. Will not play 'cat and mouse' and the answer is as short (although it is not clear): 'GPS'. And now, in detail. GPS – a global satellite navigation system with which can determine the location of any object on Earth to within a few meters. To do this, to this object (in this case a car) to place a special device that will be on signals from satellites to calculate its (and hence the car) coordinates.

And if connected to this unit special sensors, such as fuel consumption, and to teach a device to transmit information about the location and fuel consumption computer, and even something some useful features, which we discuss later, the device it will be called 'Teletrack', the production of the Ukrainian company RCS. So, you set such a small box on his car fleet, collect workers 'collective, delivers a speech in the style of:' I can see everything from above! You did know ', and going to his office in his thoughts about fuel economy and finnasovom result of his enterprise. To monitor. For even more analysis, hear from Joeb Moore. On the screen Monitor you can see detailed electronic map of the city (region, country, world).