Tax Property

Moreover, it can lead to a kind of social upheaval, if it is perceived by the public as unfair. In my opinion, all the current government's actions to prepare for the introduction of the tax are precisely this scenario. But on the other hand, the property tax was introduced in all countries of market economy and there is little evidence that it will be canceled. Why is this happening? Because tax property based on market value allows us to solve very important problems that we have not solved all the time for market reforms. In particular, the introduction of equitable property tax would solve a number of hard-core problems, namely, / 1 /: 1. creation of a stock market regulation with the effect of a possible real estate decline in property prices, 2.

solution to the problems of affordable housing through local investment authorities in the preparation of sites for large-scale construction, investment and creating a competitive environment among developers and 3. improving physical infrastructure of settlements and the ecological situation in the settlements; 4. combating corruption in the property market by increasing the transparency of 5. laying the foundations of local self-government, information of real estate market and many others. Income tax Real estate is a special tax, which has the main feature is not fiscal. In modern conditions the main function of this tax – sustainable development of territories / 2 /. From the theory of taxation and the experience of developed countries with market economies is well known that the tax begins to function as a sustainable territorial development only under certain conditions.