Russian Federation

The official believes that the elimination of this infrastructure should be the most important outcome of the investigation circumstances of the crash. WWF Russia (WWF) also requires an investigation into the legality of hunting animals in the Red Book of the passengers of the crashed helicopter in the Altai Mi-8. According to the 'WWF Russia ', mountain sheep remained in the Russian Federation only about 200 individuals. By the end of the XXI century, half the world's population will starve American researchers claim that by the end of the XXI century global warming will seriously affect yields in the tropics and subtropics and make half the world's population to starve, if in the coming years to take drastic measures to adapt agriculture to climate change. It should be noted that the severe climatic to be limited to the problem of the tropics, the researchers note.

For example, in Western Europe in the summer of 2003 has been set temperature record, which killed 52 thousand people and reduce grain yield by one third. In the tropics Higher temperatures could lead to a reduction of 20% to 40% of basic food crops – corn and rice. In the case of reduction of yield hundreds of millions of people living in the area from southern USA to southern Brazil and India from the north to the south Australia, and Africa can leave their land for foraging. At the same time, the Minister of Agriculture Alexei Gordeev said that the natural and climatic conditions in Russia make it possible to provide food for 450 million, three times the population of Russia.