Real Estate In Bulgaria: Seasonal Picture

Investments in non-residential real estate in Central and Eastern Europe in January-March 2011 exceeded the vast majority of forecasts. According to the reports of British CB Richard Ellis, Inc (CBRE), they have brought an increase in comparison with 197protsentov the same time last year. For financial research, they were 2, 55 billion euros, despite the fact that in 2010 and not accounted for 860 million is actually 9, 5% of one hundred per cent of investments in the OE during this period. Going to the 2nd position Italian Republic has shown only a 75% increase, while France and Great Britain 33 and 39%. Currently, the priority concern for foreign financiers have modern facilities and buildings, however, suggests the majority of professionals in the near future attention to themselves and the objects will be the second and third level, as well as residential real estate.

It is expected that increased activity will be sustained and will not be interrupted as soon as possible time. Republic of Bulgaria has not yet earned its share of the investment pie. Growth capital investments in property in Bulgaria significantly lags behind the Czech Republic or Poland. He is now at least 10%, which is inferior even to the European heavyweights such as France and Germany. Permissible to say that the financial investment and an explosion in commercial and residential real estate of this Balkan country still only assumed. John k castle may not feel the same. But as shown by the last 10 years, he belatedly, but inevitably come, and perhaps even more serious dimensions.