Misconceptions Associated ASI

He is still weighing the idea that child sexual abuse (CSA) occurs in unstructured environments, poverty or in certain social classes that have little to do with us. We continue to believe that, far from interfering in our strong social fabric, the ASI has more to do with pedophilia or child sex trade in our everyday reality. There is a tendency to see this reality as something distant and hardly should trouble us, but the reality in which we live really can not be silenced and hidden any longer. While it is true that the perception of the ASI is changing by leaps and bounds is still a long way to go. We continue to see this social evil as something that has nothing to do with us, perhaps comparable to a serious car accident, we know that is something that happens, but we believe we can never affect us. It's those things that subconsciously believe that only affects others.

However we must be aware that the odds of being involved in a case of ASI are much larger than those of having a serious accident. The numbers leave no room for doubt: one in four girls and one in six children, approximately, has suffered some form of sexual abuse throughout her life before age 17. Once their feet on the ground and recognized the nature and reality of the ASI, say that these abuses are perpetrated mostly within the family of the child, parent or step being the figure most commonly happens to be the aggressor.