American Empire

In 2007 the gross domestic product in Latin America and the Caribbean reached 5.7% and out completed five consecutive years of growth, according to ECLAC. ECLAC has also highlighted that in 2007 it reached a record of 106 billion dollars in foreign direct investment in the region, thanks to economic growth and sustained global demand for natural resources. The amount, according to ECLAC, It was the highest since 1999, when the direct investment in the region totaled 89,000 million dollars and was strongly related to the privatisation of those year Brazil’s Defense Minister, Nelson Jobim, will an exhibition today to heads of State meeting in Brasilia, on what will be the President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez Defense Council, and the President elected in Paraguay, Fernando Lugo, agreed to promote the South American Union (Unasur). President Uribe said that Colombia has difficulties to participate (in the decision of the Council of Defense). Colombia believes in the body it is the OAS. From Caracas, the President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, responded to that Colombian position: beyond those who want to continue to be unworthy of the American Empire lackeys. President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva returned to criticizing protectionism applied by developed countries, in his speech during the signing of the Treaty of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR). According to him, the growth of industry and Agriculture and the great energy potential in the region uncomfortable.

For the Brazilian leader, South America gains stature in global actor with the creation of the Union and a new geopolitical role. We are not fooled by the arguments of those who, by protectionist interests or geopolitical motives, feel uncomfortable with our growth. A United South America will move the power of the World Board, said Lula. The President of Brazil defended that UNASUR is built as part of the projects of development of each country, but for the benefit of all. The Brazilian leader also commented that all decisions are taken by the new entity will have to be by consensus. Evo Morales, for his part, held that with the Treaty we are lifting the foundations of the Nations of the South. It is the dream of our ancestors, it is the struggle of our leaders that defended the unit, opted for independence and now begin to meet that I wish original author and source of the article.