The Strength

What power being present at this time? Through which activities I leave me flowing? Leo source in this week we are urging our environment, because we cannot be able to expose to others our point of view without being a common point of view. We feel powerless against the possibility of expressing what we think and who we are in reality. This state requires us to return towards ourselves, to be able to develop the strength to confront those who surround us. If we do not practice this exercise, it is possible that our personality will become ashes. Why it costs us expose us as we are to others? To what internal energy should we have recourse? Sagittarius patience projects that we have put in place have lost the initial vitality. Anxiety about the results that can occur before the ideas put into action paralyzes us. It is convenient to wait, and let pass before our events without intervening, because everything we do already did it, now, we hope.

Why me anxiety paralyzes? Why can’t wait to the natural rhythm of things? Taurus – postponement this week finds us with the need to make a very important decision, because it depends on us to be cut a process affecting us negatively. The consequence of our decision will be lasting, therefore necessary that take aware mode. So our mind is clear, and we can move forward it is time to stop postponing everything for some time. With what we should cut our good? Why are we tend to postpone our decisions? Virgo stranger week finds us determined to get us underway, and to realize our ideas, which up to the time we them not to do so. To view the passibility to realize our projects concern, and makes us feel that they perhaps won’t be well received, which are rather strange to the common environment.